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Enumerating Active Directory


The Attack Life Cycle

  1. Reconnaissance
  2. Initial Exploitation
  3. Establish Foothold
  4. Escalate Privileges
  5. Internal Reconnaissance
  6. Lateral Movement
  7. Maintain Presence
  8. Complete Mission

Task 1 Why AD Enumeration

Configure the DNS for ,



restart the network connection

$ sudo systemctl restart NetworkManager

Check that network connection has been configured correctly .

$ nslookup




Using SSH

kali@kali:~$ ssh\\\'s password: 

Using RDP

$ xfreerdp / /u:jacqueline.adams /p:Gaiw6681 / /drive:. +clipboard 

Task 2 Credential Injection

Let’s RDP thmjmp1

$ xfreerdp / /u:mandy.bryan /p:Dbrnjhbz1986 / /drive:. +clipboard /size:1024x640

Obtain different credential


runas.exe /netonly /\kimberley.smith cmd.exe

c:\runas.exe /netonly /\kimberley.smith cmd.exe

Configuring DNS in windows machine (just for illustration as it requires permissions), the DNS was already configured

$dnsip = "<DC IP>"
$index = Get-NetAdapter -Name 'Ethernet' | Select-Object -ExpandProperty 'ifIndex'
Set-DnsClientServerAddress -InterfaceIndex $index -ServerAddresses $dnsip

Is there a difference between dir \\\SYSVOL and dir \\<DC IP>\SYSVOL

When we provide the hostname, network authentication will attempt first to perform Kerberos authentication. Since Kerberos authentication uses hostnames embedded in the tickets, if we provide the IP instead, we can force the authentication type to be NTLM

Task 2 Answers

What native Windows binary allows us to inject credentials legitimately into memory? runas.exe
What parameter option of the runas binary will ensure that the injected credentials are used for all network connections? /netonly
What network folder on a domain controller is accessible by any authenticated AD account and stores GPO information? SYSVOL
When performing dir \\\SYSVOL, what type of authentication is performed by default? Kerberos Authentication

Task 3 Enumeration through Microsoft Management Console

$ xfreerdp / /u:damien.horton /p:pABqHYKsG8L7 / /drive:. +clipboard


ad.1.2 ad.1.3
ad.1.4 ad.1.5
ad.1.6 ad.1.9

Task 3 Answers

How many Computer objects are part of the Servers OU? 2
How many Computer objects are part of the Workstations OU? 1
How many departments (Organisational Units) does this organisation consist of? 7
How many Admin tiers does this organisation have? 3
What is the value of the flag stored in the description attribute of the account? THM{Enumerating.Via.MMC}

the credentials will not be verified directly by a domain controller so that it will accept any password. We still need to confirm that the network credentials are loaded successfully and correctly.

Task 4 Enumeration through Command Prompt

Enumerating Users

use the net command to list all the users in the AD domain by using the user option

C:\Users\jacqueline.adams>net user /domain


Let’s enumerate more detals about specific users

C:\Users\jacqueline.adams>net user victoria.russell /domain


Enumerting the user guest as well


Enumerating Groups

Use the net command to enumerate groups by adding group option:

C:\Users\jacqueline.adams>net group /domain


Enumerate more details about members in the group “Tier 1 Admins”

C:\Users\jacqueline.adams>net group "Tier 1 Admins" /domain


Password Policy

C:\Users\jacqueline.adams>net accounts /domain


Task 4 Answers

Apart from the Domain Users group, what other group is the aaron.harris account a member of? Internet Access
Is the Guest account active? (Yay,Nay) Nay
How many accounts are a member of the Tier 1 Admins group? 7
What is the account lockout duration of the current password policy in minutes? 30

Task 5 Enumeration through PowerShell

Switch command line to powershell

c:\ > Powershell -executionpolicy bypass

Enumerate Users


using the Get-ADUser cmdlet to enumerate user with the below options

  • -Identity - The account name that we are enumerating
  • -Properties - Which properties associated with the account will be shown, * will show all properties
  • -Server - Since we are not domain-joined, we have to use this parameter to point it to our domain controller
PS C:\Users\jacqueline.adams> Get-ADUser -Identity gordon.stevens -Server -Properties *


Get-ADUser filter

PS C:\> Get-ADUser -Filter 'Name -like "*stevens"' -Server | Format-Table Name,SamAccountName -A


get the Title attribute of Beth Nolan (beth.nolan)

PS C:\Users\jacqueline.adams> Get-ADUser -Identity beth.nolan  -Server -Properties * | Format-Table Name,Title -A


Get the DistinguishedName name for user annette.manning

PS C:\Users\jacqueline.adams> Get-ADUser -Identity annette.manning   -Properties DistinguishedName


Enumerating Groups


Enumerate groups using Get-ADGroup cmdlet

PS C:\> Get-ADGroup -Identity Administrators -Server


Get the creation date/time of the Tier 2 Admins group

PS C:\Users\jacqueline.adams> Get-ADGroup -Filter 'Name -like "Tier 2 Admins"' -Server -Properties Created
Created           : 2/24/2022 10:04:41 PM

Get the Value of SID attribute of the Enterprise Admins group

PS C:\Users\jacqueline.adams> Get-ADGroup -Filter 'Name -like "Enterprise Admins"' -Server -Properties * | Format-Table Name,SID -A

Name              SID                                          
----              ---
Enterprise Admins S-1-5-21-3330634377-1326264276-632209373-519


Enumerate groups using Get-ADGroupMember cmdlet

PS C:\> Get-ADGroupMember -Identity Administrators -Server


AD Objects

AD Objects used as generic search for any AD Object, get AD objects were changed after a specific date

PS C:\> $ChangeDate = New-Object DateTime(2022, 02, 28, 12, 00, 00)
PS C:\> Get-ADObject -Filter 'whenChanged -gt $ChangeDate' -includeDeletedObjects -Server


Enumerate accounts to show users in the network who mistyped their password

PS C:\> Get-ADObject -Filter 'badPwdCount -gt 0' -Server




PS C:\> Get-ADDomain -Server


Changing user password

PS C:\Users\jacqueline.adams> Set-ADAccountPassword -Identity leon.jennings -Server -OldPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlaintext "Password!" -force) -NewPassword (ConvertTo-S
ecureString -AsPlainText "Password!new" -Force)                                                                                                                                                     
PS C:\Users\jacqueline.adams>  

Task 5 Answers

What is the value of the Title attribute of Beth Nolan (beth.nolan)? Senior
What is the value of the DistinguishedName attribute of Annette Manning (annette.manning)? CN=annette.manning,OU=Marketing,OU=People,DC=za,DC=tryhackme,DC=com
When was the Tier 2 Admins group created? 2/24/2022 10:04:41 PM
What is the value of the SID attribute of the Enterprise Admins group? S-1-5-21-3330634377-1326264276-632209373-519
Which container is used to store deleted AD objects? CN=Deleted Objects,DC=za,DC=tryhackme,DC=com

Task 6 Enumeration through Bloodhound

Bloodhound allowed attackers (and by now defenders too) to visualise the AD environment in a graph format with interconnected nodes. Each connection is a possible path that could be exploited to reach a goal. In contrast, the defenders used lists, like a list of Domain Admins or a list of all the hosts in the environment…. (TryHackMe)

We will use Sharphound first to enumerate AD before we can look at the results visually using Bloodhound.

Download the BloodHound zip file

$ scp,298  .

Run ne4j

kali@kali:/etc/neo4j$ sudo neo4j console

Upload the Bloodhound zip file


Screen Shot 2023-03-02 at 5.44.05 AM

Pre-Built Analytics Queries

Domain Information

Find all domain admins

MATCH p=(n:Group)<-[:MemberOf*1..]-(m) WHERE n.objectid =~ "(?i)S-1-5-.*-512" RETURN p

Map domain trusts

MATCH p=(n:Domain)-->(m:Domain) RETURN p

Find Computers with Unsupported Operating Systems

MATCH (n:Computer) WHERE n.operatingsystem =~ "(?i).*(2000|2003|2008|xp|vista|7|me).*" RETURN n

Dangerous Privileges

Find Principals with DCSync Rights

MATCH p=()-[:DCSync|AllExtendedRights|GenericAll]->(:Domain {name: "ZA.TRYHACKME.COM"}) RETURN p


Users with Foreign Domain Group Membership

MATCH p=(n:User)-[:MemberOf]->(m:Group) WHERE n.domain="ZA.TRYHACKME.COM" AND m.domain<>n.domain RETURN p

Find Computers where Domain Users are Local Admin

MATCH p=(m:Group {name:"DOMAIN USERS@ZA.TRYHACKME.COM"})-[:AdminTo]->(n:Computer) RETURN p

Find Computers where Domain Users can read LAPS passwords

MATCH p=(Group {name:"DOMAIN USERS@ZA.TRYHACKME.COM"})-[:MemberOf*0..]->(g:Group)-[:AllExtendedRights|ReadLAPSPassword]->(n:Computer) RETURN p

Find All Paths from Domain Users to High Value Targets

MATCH p=shortestPath((g:Group {name:"DOMAIN USERS@ZA.TRYHACKME.COM"})-[*1..]->(n {highvalue:true})) WHERE g<>n return p

Find Workstations where Domain Users can RDP

match p=(g:Group {name:"DOMAIN USERS@ZA.TRYHACKME.COM"})-[:CanRDP]->(c:Computer) where NOT c.operatingsystem CONTAINS "Server" return p

Find Servers where Domain Users can RDP

MATCH p=(g:Group {name:"DOMAIN USERS@ZA.TRYHACKME.COM"})-[:CanRDP]->(c:Computer) WHERE c.operatingsystem CONTAINS "Server" return p

Find Dangerous Privileges for Domain Users Groups

MATCH p=(m:Group)-[:Owns|WriteDacl|GenericAll|WriteOwner|ExecuteDCOM|GenericWrite|AllowedToDelegate|ForceChangePassword]->(n:Computer) WHERE m.objectid ENDS WITH "-513" RETURN p

Find Domain Admin Logons to non-Domain Controllers

MATCH (dc)-[r:MemberOf*0..]->(g:Group) WHERE g.objectid ENDS WITH '-516' WITH COLLECT(dc) AS exclude MATCH p = (c:Computer)-[n:HasSession]->(u:User)-[r2:MemberOf*1..]->(g:Group) WHERE  g.objectid ENDS WITH '-512' AND NOT c IN exclude RETURN p

Kerberos Interaction

Find Kerberoastable Members of High Value Groups

MATCH p=shortestPath((n:User)-[:MemberOf]->(g:Group)) WHERE g.highvalue=true AND n.hasspn=true RETURN p

List all Kerberoastable Accounts

MATCH (n:User)WHERE n.hasspn=true RETURN n


Find Kerberoastable Users with most privileges

MATCH (u:User {hasspn:true}) OPTIONAL MATCH (u)-[:AdminTo]->(c1:Computer) OPTIONAL MATCH (u)-[:MemberOf*1..]->(:Group)-[:AdminTo]->(c2:Computer) WITH u,COLLECT(c1) + COLLECT(c2) AS tempVar UNWIND tempVar AS comps RETURN,COUNT(DISTINCT(comps)) ORDER BY COUNT(DISTINCT(comps)) DESC

Find AS-REP Roastable Users (DontReqPreAuth)

MATCH (u:User {dontreqpreauth: true}) RETURN u


Shortest Paths

Shortest Paths to Unconstrained Delegation Systems

MATCH (n) MATCH p=shortestPath((n)-[:MemberOf|HasSession|AdminTo|AllExtendedRights|AddMember|ForceChangePassword|GenericAll|GenericWrite|Owns|WriteDacl|WriteOwner|CanRDP|ExecuteDCOM|AllowedToDelegate|ReadLAPSPassword|Contains|GPLink|AddAllowedToAct|AllowedToAct|SQLAdmin|ReadGMSAPassword|HasSIDHistory|CanPSRemote|SyncLAPSPassword|AZAddMembers|AZAddSecret|AZAvereContributor|AZContains|AZContributor|AZExecuteCommand|AZGetCertificates|AZGetKeys|AZGetSecrets|AZGlobalAdmin|AZGrant|AZGrantSelf|AZHasRole|AZMemberOf|AZOwner|AZOwns|AZPrivilegedRoleAdmin|AZResetPassword|AZUserAccessAdministrator|AZAppAdmin|AZCloudAppAdmin|AZRunsAs|AZKeyVaultContributor|AZVMAdminLogin|AddSelf|WriteSPN|AddKeyCredentialLink*1..]->(m:Computer {unconstraineddelegation: true})) WHERE NOT n=m RETURN p


Shortest Paths from Kerberoastable Users

MATCH p=shortestPath((a:User {name:"SVCFILECOPY@ZA.TRYHACKME.COM"})-[:MemberOf|HasSession|AdminTo|AllExtendedRights|AddMember|ForceChangePassword|GenericAll|GenericWrite|Owns|WriteDacl|WriteOwner|CanRDP|ExecuteDCOM|AllowedToDelegate|ReadLAPSPassword|Contains|GPLink|AddAllowedToAct|AllowedToAct|SQLAdmin|ReadGMSAPassword|HasSIDHistory|CanPSRemote|SyncLAPSPassword|AZAddMembers|AZAddSecret|AZAvereContributor|AZContains|AZContributor|AZExecuteCommand|AZGetCertificates|AZGetKeys|AZGetSecrets|AZGlobalAdmin|AZGrant|AZGrantSelf|AZHasRole|AZMemberOf|AZOwner|AZOwns|AZPrivilegedRoleAdmin|AZResetPassword|AZUserAccessAdministrator|AZAppAdmin|AZCloudAppAdmin|AZRunsAs|AZKeyVaultContributor|AZVMAdminLogin|AddSelf|WriteSPN|AddKeyCredentialLink*1..]->(b:Computer)) RETURN p

Shortest Paths to Domain Admins from Kerberoastable Users

MATCH p=shortestPath((n:User {hasspn:true})-[:MemberOf|HasSession|AdminTo|AllExtendedRights|AddMember|ForceChangePassword|GenericAll|GenericWrite|Owns|WriteDacl|WriteOwner|CanRDP|ExecuteDCOM|AllowedToDelegate|ReadLAPSPassword|Contains|GPLink|AddAllowedToAct|AllowedToAct|SQLAdmin|ReadGMSAPassword|HasSIDHistory|CanPSRemote|SyncLAPSPassword|AZAddMembers|AZAddSecret|AZAvereContributor|AZContains|AZContributor|AZExecuteCommand|AZGetCertificates|AZGetKeys|AZGetSecrets|AZGlobalAdmin|AZGrant|AZGrantSelf|AZHasRole|AZMemberOf|AZOwner|AZOwns|AZPrivilegedRoleAdmin|AZResetPassword|AZUserAccessAdministrator|AZAppAdmin|AZCloudAppAdmin|AZRunsAs|AZKeyVaultContributor|AZVMAdminLogin|AddSelf|WriteSPN|AddKeyCredentialLink*1..]->(m:Group {name:"DOMAIN ADMINS@ZA.TRYHACKME.COM"})) RETURN p

Shortest Path from Owned Principals

MATCH (n:User)WHERE n.hasspn=true RETURN n

Shortest Paths to Domain Admins from Owned Principals

MATCH p=shortestPath((n {owned:true})-[:MemberOf|HasSession|AdminTo|AllExtendedRights|AddMember|ForceChangePassword|GenericAll|GenericWrite|Owns|WriteDacl|WriteOwner|CanRDP|ExecuteDCOM|AllowedToDelegate|ReadLAPSPassword|Contains|GPLink|AddAllowedToAct|AllowedToAct|SQLAdmin|ReadGMSAPassword|HasSIDHistory|CanPSRemote|SyncLAPSPassword|AZAddMembers|AZAddSecret|AZAvereContributor|AZContains|AZContributor|AZExecuteCommand|AZGetCertificates|AZGetKeys|AZGetSecrets|AZGlobalAdmin|AZGrant|AZGrantSelf|AZHasRole|AZMemberOf|AZOwner|AZOwns|AZPrivilegedRoleAdmin|AZResetPassword|AZUserAccessAdministrator|AZAppAdmin|AZCloudAppAdmin|AZRunsAs|AZKeyVaultContributor|AZVMAdminLogin|AddSelf|WriteSPN|AddKeyCredentialLink*1..]->(m:Group {name:"DOMAIN ADMINS@ZA.TRYHACKME.COM"})) WHERE NOT n=m RETURN p

Shortest Paths to High Value Targets

MATCH p=shortestPath((n)-[*1..]->(m {highvalue:true})) WHERE m.domain="ZA.TRYHACKME.COM" AND m<>n RETURN p


Shortest Paths from Domain Users to High Value Targets

MATCH p=shortestPath((g:Group {name:"DOMAIN USERS@ZA.TRYHACKME.COM"})-[*1..]->(n {highvalue:true})) WHERE g.objectid ENDS WITH "-513" AND g<>n return p

Find Shortest Paths to Domain Admins

MATCH p=shortestPath((n)-[:MemberOf|HasSession|AdminTo|AllExtendedRights|AddMember|ForceChangePassword|GenericAll|GenericWrite|Owns|WriteDacl|WriteOwner|CanRDP|ExecuteDCOM|AllowedToDelegate|ReadLAPSPassword|Contains|GPLink|AddAllowedToAct|AllowedToAct|SQLAdmin|ReadGMSAPassword|HasSIDHistory|CanPSRemote|SyncLAPSPassword|AZAddMembers|AZAddSecret|AZAvereContributor|AZContains|AZContributor|AZExecuteCommand|AZGetCertificates|AZGetKeys|AZGetSecrets|AZGlobalAdmin|AZGrant|AZGrantSelf|AZHasRole|AZMemberOf|AZOwner|AZOwns|AZPrivilegedRoleAdmin|AZResetPassword|AZUserAccessAdministrator|AZAppAdmin|AZCloudAppAdmin|AZRunsAs|AZKeyVaultContributor|AZVMAdminLogin|AddSelf|WriteSPN|AddKeyCredentialLink*1..]->(m:Group {name:"DOMAIN ADMINS@ZA.TRYHACKME.COM"})) WHERE NOT n=m RETURN p


Task 6 Answers

Apart from the krbtgt account, how many other accounts are potentially kerberoastable? 4
MATCH (n:User)WHERE n.hasspn=true RETURN n


How many machines do members of the Tier 1 Admins group have administrative access to? 2
MATCH p=(m:Group {objectid: "S-1-5-21-3330634377-1326264276-632209373-1105"})-[r:AdminTo]->(n:Computer) RETURN p


How many users are members of the Tier 2 Admins group? 15
MATCH p=(n)-[b:MemberOf]->(c:Group {objectid: "S-1-5-21-3330634377-1326264276-632209373-1105"}) RETURN p

